Tuesday, May 10, 2011

David & Catherine Together Again!

David Tennant and Catherine Tate to star in William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing!!!

I desperately wish that I lived in England. Lol. David Tennant has to be playing a character if I am going to read Shakespeare, otherwise it really is no good. ;)

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

.....And His Shoes

So we all remember David Tennant's get-up as the 10th Doctor. Suit and converse. And we know what converse's he wears, but I figured I would throw the links up here anyways. Enjoy! (:

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Season of Love

OMG! I came across this video on Youtube by HonaSayonara called 'Doctor Who End of Time Music Video: Like Giants.' It's absolutely beautiful!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3