Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Daily Dalek

I stumbled across this quite hilarious photo of a 'Dalek Coffee Shop' done by the creator of the 'The Daily Dalek' blog, Tone Cartoons, and I just had to post it because I think it is a funny representation of my future goal to have a Doctor Who themed coffee shop when I get older. Enjoy!


Love Always,
Doctor Donna

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

David & Catherine Together Again!

David Tennant and Catherine Tate to star in William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing!!!

I desperately wish that I lived in England. Lol. David Tennant has to be playing a character if I am going to read Shakespeare, otherwise it really is no good. ;)

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

.....And His Shoes

So we all remember David Tennant's get-up as the 10th Doctor. Suit and converse. And we know what converse's he wears, but I figured I would throw the links up here anyways. Enjoy! (:

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Season of Love

OMG! I came across this video on Youtube by HonaSayonara called 'Doctor Who End of Time Music Video: Like Giants.' It's absolutely beautiful!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Monday, April 4, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

DW Tats

I honestly love these tattoos, and I actually have for a while now, I just never got around to posting them on here until now. If I were to get these tattoos, I would probably only get the TARDIS, though. Enjoy!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Thursday, January 27, 2011

More Vids

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Must See Vids

I stumbled across these videos on YouTube and got such a laugh outta them that I just had to share.

 And you just have to watch this lol

I mean, seriously, only John Barrowman could pull off those dance moves and wearing those shiny pants! Goodness lol But you gotta love him lol

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Monday, January 24, 2011

O M G.....

OH. MY. GOODNESS. I think I literally just died. AREN'T THESE JUST SO ADORABLE???

These adorable socks go for $10 (+ s&h) are done by Etsy's istherebacon.


AND CHECK OUT COSPLAYSKY'S JACK HARKNESS TRENCH COAT!! It looks so accurate! I cannot believe it! It goes for $145 (+ s&h), and you can go to

As well as Cosplaysky's 10th Doctor Suit that goes for $105 (+ s&h)!!! XD

And my favorite part: THE 10th DOCTOR'S TRENCH COAT!! For $112 (+ s&h)!!! XDDD

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hermits United

Professor Yana: Oh, every human being's heard of Utopia. Where have you been?
The Doctor: Bit of a hermit.
Professor Yana: [skeptically] A hermit... with uh, friends?
The Doctor: Hermits United. We meet up every ten years and swap stories about caves. It's good fun. For a hermit.


I absolutely ADORE this quote! So much so, that I am making a bracelet from it! I am very into making friendship bracelets, and I found this totally awesome website: When I was on there, I decided to search for any Doctor Who patterns, and I found a simple alpha pattern that read 'Hermits United'. I would give you a link, but sadly the pattern is gone ): Luckily, I had printed it off a while ago, so I sill have it! (: I can't wait to finish it, and I'll upload pics when I'm done!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna ♥ 

70 Lessons from Doctor Who

This cute and very funny list of very important lessons that we learn from Doctor Who was made by Deviant Art's Gabiace. You can read it [here].

Love Always,
Doctor Donna ♥

Raisegrate's Penultimate Supper

I love this picture! It features all 11 Doctors, plus a kangaroo! Lol! This was done by Deviant Art's Raisegrate and is called Doctor Who Penultimate Supper.

Again, go to the original location to see it bigger and in more detail.

Love Always,
Doctor Donna ♥

Mimi-Na's Doctor's Boys & Girls

I just had to share these really cute pictures from Deviant Art's Mimi-Na.

The first one is a wallpaper (but I would go to the original to use it) and is called Doctor's Girls (only goes up to Rose):

The next is not a wallpaper, but still very cute (:   Doctor's Boys:

Names starting from the left!
Dr Harry Sullivan
The Doctor (: 
Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Jamie McCrimmon
Jack Harkness
Vislor Turlough
Ben Jackson
Ian Chesterton
Steven Taylor
Mickey Smith

Again, I would go look at the originals so you can actually read what they are saying! But a very well done pair of pictures none-the-less!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna ♥

Pu-Sama's Doctor Hoo

This is one of my favorites! I actually have the wallpaper version done by hewtab! This picture is done by Pu-Sama and features all 11 Doctors in order. I love how acurate these owl's are!

You can click the picture to be taken to the original picture, which is much bigger.

Love Always,
Doctor Donna ♥

AimeeKitty's Doctor & Companion Pair

This pair of pictures done by Deviant Art's AimeeKitty is so cute!!

This first one is of the Doctor and Rose:

This one is of the Doctor and Donna:

*Note the Doctor's socks :) In the first one he is wearing bananas and in the next one he is wearing outer space socks! Very cute touch! Good job AimeeKitty! You can also visit her website [here].

Love Always,
Doctor Donna ♥

Friday, January 21, 2011


So, all of time and space, everything that happened or ever will; where do you want to start?

-The Eleventh Hour

There is something you better understand about me because it is important. One day your life might depend on it. I am definately a mad man with a box. Ha ha, yeah!

-The Eleventh Hour

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

My Tattoo Design :)

This design would be on my left wrist (palm side) going down my fore arm. The top symbol is the Seal of Rassilon. the middle is the Seal of a Timelord. The bottom (you can see that I haven't traced it all the way yet) is the logo for LazLabs/insignia on the Master's ring.

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

What He Said

Matt Smith said the most lovely thing about the Doctor, and I wish I could find where he said it so I could properly cite it, but he said

He is an addict to the zest of the mad universe.

I think that that is so true. I LOVE that statement. I use it now on my Deviant Art account as my signature on all my comments. The Doctor is an addict. He's addicted to travelling throughout the universe, he is addicted to human beings and Earth, and most importantly; he's addicted to adventure. As Matt Smith so lovingly put it

He's a thrill-seeker.

The Doctor has lost everything, and continues to lose people all the time. He is struggling to sane in this crazy universe, but what helps is that the universe needs him. It desperately needs him.

Sometimes the Doctor will bend the rules. He once told Donna Noble that

The Doctor: Some things are fixed, some things are in a flux. Pompeii is fixed.
Donna Noble: How do you know which is which?
The Doctor:
That's how I see the universe. Every waking second, I can see: what is, what was, what could be, what must not. That's the burden of a Time Lord, Donna. And I'm the only one left.

-Fires of Pompeii 

But later, when the Doctor is reaching the end of his life (or of his life as the 10th Doctor), he goes back on that.

Yes, because there are laws. There are laws of time. Once upon a time there were people in charge of those laws but they died. They all died. Do you know who that leaves? Me! It's taken me all these years to realize that the laws of time are mine and they will obey me!
-The Waters of Mars

But the Doctor realizes that he has gone too far after this amazing scene

Adelaide: You saved us?
The Doctor: Just think, though. Your daughter and your daughter's daughter, you can see them again. Family reunion.
Adelaide: [Shakes her head "no"] But I'm supposed to be dead.
The Doctor: Not anymore.
Adelaide: But... Susie... my granddaughter... wasn't she supposed to become... we'll never exist now.
The Doctor: Nah, Captain Adelaide can inspire her face-to-face. Different details, but the story's the same.
Adelaide: You can't know that! And if my family changes... the whole of history could change! The future of the human race! No one should have that much power!
The Doctor: Tough.
Adelaide: [Backs away from the Doctor, unsure of what is going on] You should have left us there.
The Doctor: Adelaide, I've done this sort of thing before. In small ways, saved some little people. But never someone as important as you. Ooh, I'm good!
The Doctor: Little people? What, like Mia and Yuri? Who decides they're so unimportant? You?
The Doctor: For a long time now, I thought I was just a survivor, but I'm not. I'm the winner. That's who I am. A Time Lord victorious.
Adelaide: And there's no one to stop you?
The Doctor: No.
Adelaide: [Noticeably angry] This is wrong, Doctor! I don't care who you are! The Time Lord victorious is wrong!
The Doctor: That's for me to decide. Now, you'd better get home. Oh, it's all locked up. You've been away. Still, that's easy...
[uses the Sonic Screwdriver to unlock and open the door to Adelaide's house, then puts the Sonic Screwdriver away]
The Doctor: All yours.
Adelaide: Is there nothing you can't do?
The Doctor: Not anymore.
Adelaide: [Walks inside the house, takes out her gun, shuts the door, and

kills herself.....]

-The Waters of Mars

I was sad, really. Of course Adelaide was right, but for once the Doctor had regained confidence in himself as the only survivor of the great Time War. It was exciting to see him like that, but scary in a way too. He is able to play God, and it is best that he keeps himself humble. It was good for him to see that he didn't control everything. As genius as he may be, it's so good to know that he is on our side.


The Doctor: I'm going to stop you, Cobb. You need to know that.
General Cobb: I have an army, and the Breath of God on my side, Doctor. What do you have?
The Doctor: [points at his mind] This.
-The Doctor's Daughter


Thank you IMBd for the quotes.

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3


10th Doctor


Always bring a banana to a party Rose. Banana's are good.
-The Girl in the Fireplace

11th Doctor

Beans are evil. Bad, bad beans.
-The Eleventh Hour

Five Minutes. Give me five minutes. I'll be right back.
-The Eleventh Hour

I think that last one is very sad ): He said 5 minutes, but he didn't come back for 12 years, and it took him 14 years to finally take her with him like he promised.

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Comic Relief - Catherine Tate & David Tennant

This video is my absolute favorite! No matter how many times I watch it, it never gets old!


Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Nerd Love: Doctor Who by Renton1313

This amazing collage done by deviantart's renton1313 called Nerd Love: Doctor Who is absolutely adorable! I love it so much! I love most of her work, but this, being Doctor Who, I had to display (: It features all 11 Doctors, and the TARDIS, in a 4x3 grid format, and I'm pretty sure is made completely of some kind  of construction paper.

Prints are available to buy [here] for $25.
Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Too Cute!

So I was on Etsy (my favorite website of all time), and I was randomly searching through the Paper Goods section. I came across these adorable journals made by Whitneysorrow. They feature daleks on the covers, and metallic studs that represent the alien metal 'Dalekanium' that the daleks are made from. Each of them are $99.00 (plus s&h) but they are handmade and simply adorable.


And last but not least

Dalek Caan

I hope you enjoy these little journals as much as I do, and lemme know if you buy one!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Amy's Nails

So, if you knew me, you would know that this would be totally weird.

I was watching the 11th Doctor episodes "The Time of Angels" and "Flesh and Stone" and I noticed Amy Pond's nails. I absolutely LOVED the color, that purple-grey, almost matte-like, color?

Aren't they pretty? I just had to know what it was so I could get it. I went on a hunt to find the brand and name. I came across many answers, some closer than others.

Barielle Shades - Passion Pirouette

I actually laughed out loud when I saw this! It is so far from the actual color! So then I looked up the next option.

Chanel Le Vernis Nail Color - Lilac Sky 210

WAY too pink. Lol. Then I went to OPI.

OPI Nail Lacquer - Metro Chic

Too grey/brown, but I still really like that color too.

OPI Nail Lacquer - Call Your Mother

Just a tad too pink again. And then, I found it. *Trumpets sound*

OPI Nail Lacquer - Parlez-Vous OPI?

TA-DAH! Oh, this just HAS to be it. Lol. I love it, and can't wait to buy it! So for all you Amy Pond fans out there, here ya go (: If you disagree with my choice and think there is a better option, lemme know! I'd love to check it out! And of course Karen Gillan wears lots of different colors when playing her role as Amy Pond, so definately lemme know if you figure out the other colors as well, and I will post them on here!
 So if you're still trying figure out why this is weird for me (doubt you were, but oh well) its because I totally destroy my nails. I bite them, rip them, cut them, etc. And I can Never wear nail polish without picking it off within the first day. But I hope to get some fake nails soon, and I will have them paint my nails this color (: And if I can't get them soon, I atleast want to get them done for prom!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3


10th Doctor:
I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the Constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old and I'm the man who is gonna save your lives and all 6 billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?
-Voyage of the Damned

11th Doctor:
I’ll be a story in your head, but that’s okay, because we’re all stories in the end.  Just make it a good one, eh?   Because it was, you know.  It was the best.  A daft old man who stole a magic box and ran away.  Did I ever tell you that I stole it? Well, I borrowed it.  I always meant to take it back.  Oh, that box, Amy, you’ll dream about that box.  It’ll never leave you.  Big and little at the same time. Brand-new and ancient and the bluest blue ever. 
-The Big Bang

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

My Goal

My name is Donna, and I am a junior in high school. I got introduced to Doctor Who by my mother and one of my friends, and I have been addicted ever since (I'm also addicted to Skittles lol). I try to pull that zany and amazing show into my life in anyway I can, and it is a total inspiration.
Well, right now, my only real goals are to keep this blog up-to-date, and make sure that I actually stay on topic. Which shouldn't be too hard considering how much stuff is out there on Doctor Who. There is a whole world out there filled with Whovians, and I am simply a humble face in the crowd.
I do collect just about anything I can get my hands on (aka: I can afford lol) and so far it has been mostly old books from the classic series. My parents know what to get me whenever a major gift giving time comes around, and I was beyond stoked to get a (10th Doctor) sonic screwdriver from my boyfriend!
The 10th Doctor (David Tennant) was and is my Doctor. I fell in love with him, and it seems I can't fall out (: Don't get me wrong, all the others are fabulous, but the 10th will always have a special place in my TARDIS blue heart.
This blog is going to be, well, basically what the blog description says; Doctor Who in everday life. I am a geek when I see Doctor Who inspired creations, and pretty much anything random on find that relates to that wonderful show. It will be my ideas to incorporate Doctor Who into my life (all my friends think I'm a total freak about it, but I like it that way ^-^* ) and things from other people that I find. Whether it be art, crafts, models, collectibles, my favorite quotes, Anything, I want to share it with you guys. And if you have a suggestion, please do let me know. And if You've created something or have something worth sharing, I would love to showcase it for you!

I do hope you enjoy my blog!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3