Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Goal

My name is Donna, and I am a junior in high school. I got introduced to Doctor Who by my mother and one of my friends, and I have been addicted ever since (I'm also addicted to Skittles lol). I try to pull that zany and amazing show into my life in anyway I can, and it is a total inspiration.
Well, right now, my only real goals are to keep this blog up-to-date, and make sure that I actually stay on topic. Which shouldn't be too hard considering how much stuff is out there on Doctor Who. There is a whole world out there filled with Whovians, and I am simply a humble face in the crowd.
I do collect just about anything I can get my hands on (aka: I can afford lol) and so far it has been mostly old books from the classic series. My parents know what to get me whenever a major gift giving time comes around, and I was beyond stoked to get a (10th Doctor) sonic screwdriver from my boyfriend!
The 10th Doctor (David Tennant) was and is my Doctor. I fell in love with him, and it seems I can't fall out (: Don't get me wrong, all the others are fabulous, but the 10th will always have a special place in my TARDIS blue heart.
This blog is going to be, well, basically what the blog description says; Doctor Who in everday life. I am a geek when I see Doctor Who inspired creations, and pretty much anything random on find that relates to that wonderful show. It will be my ideas to incorporate Doctor Who into my life (all my friends think I'm a total freak about it, but I like it that way ^-^* ) and things from other people that I find. Whether it be art, crafts, models, collectibles, my favorite quotes, Anything, I want to share it with you guys. And if you have a suggestion, please do let me know. And if You've created something or have something worth sharing, I would love to showcase it for you!

I do hope you enjoy my blog!

Love Always,
Doctor Donna <3

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